PM Matsya Sampada Yojana:- In this article today we will share with you all the important specifications of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana. In this article, we will share with you the important specifications related to the scheme such as the implementation procedure, an incentive available, and all of the other benefits that will be provided to the beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana. We will also talk about the eligibility criteria that need to be undertaken to apply for the scheme for all of the residents of India.
Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana 2024
On 10th September 2020 PM, Narender Modi officially launched the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana through video conferencing in the presence of the Governor and Chief Minister of Bihar, along with Union Minister and MoS for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying. During the period 2020-2021 to 2024-2025, an estimated investment of Rs. 20,050 crores is going to be done by the Government for this scheme. Out of which Rs 12340 crores is proposed for beneficiary-oriented activities in Marine, Inland Fisheries, and Aquaculture, and about Rs. 7710 crores for Fisheries Infrastructure. The major aim of the government behind the scheme is
- Enhancing fish production by an additional 70 lakh tonne till 2024-25,
- Increasing fisheries export earnings to Rs.1,00,000 crore,
- Doubling of incomes of fishers and fish
- Reducing post-harvest losses from 20-25% to about 10%
- Generation of additional 55 lakhs direct and indirect gainful employment opportunities in the fisheries sector and allied activities farmers,
मछली पालन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए हमारी सरकार ब्लू रिवॉल्यूशन स्कीम चला रही है।
कुछ समय पहले ही 20 हजार करोड़ रुपए की प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य संपदा योजना भी शुरू की गई है।
इन्हीं प्रयासों का ही नतीजा है कि देश में मछली उत्पादन के पिछले सारे रिकॉर्ड टूट गए हैं: PM @narendramodi— PMO India (@PMOIndia) December 18, 2020
PM Matsya Sampada Yojana Objective
The objective of the Matsya Sampada Yojana are given below in the following list:-
- This scheme will improve the current framework of the chain from ranch entryway to retail outlet.
- PMMSY will expand the development of food preparing part in the nation.
- It will build GDP, Employment, and venture.
- this Scheme help in decreasing the gigantic wastage of horticulture items.
- It will help in giving better costs to ranchers and twofold their salary.
- Saddling of fisheries potential in an economical, capable, comprehensive, and evenhanded way
- Improving fish creation and efficiency through development, heightening, broadening, and beneficial use of land and water
- Modernizing and reinforcing of meriting chain – post-reap the executives and quality improvement
- Multiplying fishers and fish ranchers earnings and age of work
- Improving commitment to Agriculture GVA and fares
- Social, physical, and financial security for fishers and fish ranchers
- Active fisheries management and administrative structure
Details Of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
Name | Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana |
Launched by | Government of India |
Beneficiaries | Fishermen |
Objective | Improving fishing channels and supporting fisherman |
Official Website | |
Target Of Yojana
- To do Rs 20050 crore investment in the ecosystem
- To increase fish production from 13.75 million metric ton to 22 million metric ton
- To double export earning from 46k crore 100K crore
- To reduce post harvest loss from 20-25% to 10%
- To double the income of fishers and fish farmers
- To generate direct gainful employment opportunities of 15 lakh and thrice the number as indirect employment opportunities
- To facilitate private investment and growth of entrepreneurship in the fisheries sector
- To increase the contribution of fisheries sector to the agricultural GVA to about 9% from 7.28%
- To argument domestic fish consumption from 5 kg to 12 KG per capita
Strategic Priorities
- Cold water fisheries
- Seaweed cultivation
- Marine fisheries
- Inland fisheries
- Fisherman’s welfare
- Infrastructure and post harvest management
- Aquatic Health management
- Ornamental fisheries
- Other important activities
Benefits Of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
The target of the plan is to enhance or increment horticulture, modernize handling and abatement of agrarian waste, and to use the potential in the fishery area. The administration proposed the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) to build up a powerful fishery board structure and check holes in the worth chain. The government has clarified that ‘Blue Revolution’ or ‘Neeli Kranti’ can possibly achieve the primary spot on the planet in fish creation. It incorporates MoFPI’s plans, for example, Food Parks, Food Safety, and Infrastructure.
Components Of PMMSY
- Central sector scheme
- Centrally sponsored scheme
Implementation Of Matsya Sampada Yojana
The government will have a spending plan of Rs. 6000 and is required to hold speculation of Rs. 31,400 crore. The treatment of around 334 lakh MT agro-produce esteeming Rs 1 lakh 4 thousand 125 crores. Around 2 million ranchers will have an advantage from the Matsya Sampada and will produce around 5 lakh 30 thousand immediate or backhanded work in the nation in 2019-2020. The administration has set an objective for fish creation and that is to accomplish the objective of 15 million tons by 2020 under the Blue Revolution and raise it to around 20 million tons by 2022-23.
Implementing Guidelines
Operational guidelines for the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana have been released by the authorities on 30th June 2020. Investment for this scheme made by the central government is Rs. 9407 crores, by the state government is Rs. 4,880 crore and Rs. 5763 crores will be the beneficiary’s contribution. Implementation guidelines are as follow:
- For the implementation of the scheme Cluster or area-based approach will be used to get optimal outcomes with requisite forward and backward linkages and end-to-end solutions.
- To enhance production and productivity, quality, productive utilization of wastelands and waters for Aquaculture various technologies like Re-circulatory Aquaculture Systems, Biofloc, Aquaponics, Cage Cultivation, etc. will be used.
- In Brackish Water and Saline Areas, a special focus will be on Coldwater fisheries development and expansion of Aquaculture
- To generate huge employment opportunities, activities like Mariculture, Seaweed cultivation, and Ornamental Fisheries would be promoted
- With area-specific development plans development in Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Islands, Northeast, and Inspirational Districts focus would be given to fisheries
- Coastal fisher community’s development would be done in a holistic manner by integrated modern coastal fishing villages with the necessary infrastructure in this scheme
- To increase the bargaining power of fishers and fish farmers Collectivization would be done through Fish Farmer Producer Organizations
- Aquaparks would be developed under the scheme as the hub of multifarious fisheries activities/facilities
- Establishment of Fisheries Incubation Centres (FICs) both through government and private sector would be supported under PMMSY
- Scheme aim is to build requisite convergence with Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE) and ICAR to strengthen Research and extension support services
- Duringban/lean period Annual Livelihood support would be provided to fishers etc.
Beneficiaries Of PMMSY Scheme
As a noun by the finance minister the scheme is open for the fishermen of the country and the main objective of the scheme is to improve the fishery compound in the country. All of the fishermen of the country are free to apply in this scheme.
As a noun by the finance minister the scheme is open for the fishermen of the country and the main objective of the scheme is to improve the fishery compound in the country. All of the fishermen of the country are free to apply in this scheme.
- Fishers
- Fish farmers
- The Fish workers and Fish vendors
- Fisheries Development corporations
- Self Help Groups (SHGs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) in fisheries sector
- Fisheries cooperatives
- Fisheries Federations
- Entrepreneurs and private firms
- Fish Farmers Producer Organizations/Companies (FFPOs/Cs)
- SCs/STs/Women/Differently abled persons
- State Governments/UTs and their entities including
- State Fisheries Development Boards (SFDB)
- Central Government and its entities
Proposal sanction till date | 7242.89 |
States/UTs covered till date | 34 |
Estimated beneficiaries impacted | 1600000 |
Fishes family to get livelihood and nutrition support | 677462 |
Rafts and monoline/Tubenets for seaweed cultivation | 117531 |
Number of cages and pens in reservoirs and other water bodies | 15454 |
Fish transportation facilities | 12456 |
Pond area under inland aquaculture | 9960.55 |
Bio toilets in mechanized fishing vessel | 4208 |
Replacement boats | 3230 |
Recirculatory aquaculture system | 2870 |
Biofloc units | 2221 |
Fish retail market, fish kiosk | 1655 |
Ornamental fish rearing units and integrated ornamental fish units | 1248 |
Fish farmer producer organisation | 720 |
Upgradation of existing fish vessel | 527 |
Fish feed mill/plant | 377 |
Fish/prawn hatcheries | 300 |
Deep sea fishing vessel | 273 |
Ice plant/cold storage | 235 |
Extension and support services | 60 |
Impact Of The PMMSY
The scheme will have the following impact on the overall community of fisheries in India:-
- The scheme will help in enhancing fish production from 137.58 lakh metric tons (2018-19) to 220 lakh metric tons by 2024-25.
- The scheme will sustain average annual growth of about 9% in fish production
- The scheme will help in boosting an increase in the contribution of GVA of the fisheries sector to the Agriculture GVA from 7.28% in 2018-19 to about 9% by 2024-25.
- The scheme will double export earnings from Rs.46,589 crores (2018-19) to about Rs.1,00,000 crores by 2024-25.
- The scheme will improve productivity in aquaculture from the present national average of 3 tonnes to about 5 tonnes per hectare.
- The scheme will decrease the post-harvest losses from the reported 20-25% to about 10%.
- The scheme will help in the improvement of domestic fish consumption from about 5-6 kg to about 12 kg per capita.
- The scheme will create about 55 lakh direct and indirect employment possibilities in the fisheries sector along with the supply and value chain.
Pradhanmantri Matsya Sampada Yojana Application Procedure
As you all know that the government has launched Pradhanmantri Matsya Sampada Yojana for the fishermen. The main objective of this scheme is to develop the fishery sector. There are around 29 benefits that will be given under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana. 60% grand cost of the unit cost will be provided for SC, ST, and women while 40% of the unit cost will be provided to other categories. All those beneficiaries who wish to apply for Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana can apply by going to the department’s official website. The last day to apply for Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana is 5 December 2020.
- According to fisheries development officer Chitranjan Kumar the process of application is very easy.
- The beneficiaries are required to log in by visiting the department’s official website.

- After that, he or she has to submit the form and upload all the required documents.
- The beneficiary is also required to prepare his own SCP-DPR and submit it along with the form. DPR and SCP cost can be higher than the unit cost but the grant will be given as per the unit cost. The template to prepare DPR can be downloaded from the official website.
About e-Gopala App
e-Gopala App has also been launched at the same time for farmers. With the help of the e-Gopala app platform farmers can manage livestock including
- Buying and selling of disease-free germplasm in all forms;
- Availability of quality breeding services and guiding farmers for animal nutrition,
- Treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic medicine/ethnoveterinary medicine.