Here we list creative ideas to update your status on Whatsapp. Do you want to update your Whatsapp Status? You’ve come to the right place. In this generation where social media is a new trend beyond Facebook, Instagram, do you have WhatsApp?
What is WhatsApp Status?
Let’s first see what this is all about.
WhatsApp itself states:
“Status allows you to share text, photo, video and GIF updates which disappear after 24 hours. To send and receive status updates to and from your contacts, you and your contacts must save each other’s phone numbers in their “normal” books. ” Basically, WhatsApp Status lets you share a message with your contacts for the next 24 hours. And it is inspired by Snapchat and Instagram stories.
1. WhatsApp status love Romantic
- The good things in life are better with you.
- There are only two times that I want to be with you, now, and forever.
- You are the reason why I wake up every morning with a smile on my face.
- Suddenly all the love songs are about you.
- And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
- When I hold you in my arms, I feel like I’m holding the whole world.
- Dream without fear, love without limits.
- If it is real, it will never be over.
- Love is the only word to describe what we’ve been through together.
- I love her. And that’s the beginning and end of everything.
- The best feeling in the world is being with someone who wants you as much as you want them.
- I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.

- Love is all you need.
- You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you.
- I won’t give up on you… so please don’t give up on me.
- True love does not have a happy ending, because true love doesn’t end.
- I don’t want to be your number one, I want to be your only one.
- We do not remember days, we remember moments.
- Love when you’re ready, not when you are alone.
- You never love someone because they’re beautiful, they are beautiful because you love them.
- The good things in life are better with you.

- Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and to know you are enough.
- Love grows as we choose to act in love towards others.
- To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime romance.
- Every time I see you, I fall in love again.
- Me and you. We could make the world jealous.
- It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.
- And I can’t help but stare, ’cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes.
- It was always you.
- I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
- I like it when you smile. But I love it when I’m the reason.
- You stole my heart but I’ll let you keep it.
- I just want to be with you, that’s all.
- My love for you keeps increasing every second.
- I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself.
- Love is all you need.
- You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you.
- I won’t give up on you… so please don’t give up on me.
- True love does not have a happy ending, because true love doesn’t end.
- I don’t want to be your number one, I want to be your only one.
- We do not remember days, we remember moments.
- Love when you’re ready, not when you are alone.
- You never love someone because they’re beautiful, they are beautiful because you love them.
- The good things in life are better with you.
- We fall in love by chance, we love choice.
- I fell in love many times but always with you.
- There is always a long time. But I do not feel like spending it on my behalf.
- We are not perfect, but we are perfect for each other.
- Loving you was the best decision of my life.
- Your biggest responsibility is to love yourself and to know that you are enough.
- I am not a photographer, but I can photograph us together.
- I want to be your favorite hello and your best goodbye.
- Your smile is the sweetest thing ever.
- I made a wish and you came true.
- I made a wish and you came true.
- My day is not complete, I do not tell you that I love you.
- I wasn’t planning on loving you but I’m glad I did.
- Whenever I enter a room full of people, I always look for you first.
- If I could be anyone in the world, it would still be you.
- One night has not passed and you are not in my dreams.
- my heart is perfect because you are inside.
- Every moment I spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true.
2. WhatsApp status attitude
- Strong women don’t have attitudes. We have standards.
- If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote.
- Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.
- Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.
- Ignore the negativity and keep shining.
- Train your mind to see the good in every situation.
- I AM two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality.
- Every storm runs out of rain.
- Smile in front of people who hate you. Your happiness kills them.
- Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.
- Small changes eventually add up to huge results.
- A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of a sheep.
- Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Because you become what you believe.
- Silence is the best answer to a fool.
- The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
- Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.
- Life is short. Focus on what really matters most. You have to change your priorities over time.
- Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.
- “I haven’t failed. I’ve just tried 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
- It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste

- You have to be ODD to be number ONE.
- Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
- I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
- Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
- Please don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am and my attitude depends on how you treat me.
- A positive attitude changes everything.
- I love winners when they cry and losers when they try.
- Prove yourself to yourself, not to others.
- She is chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine.

- Success is the by-product of your attitude.
- Stay positive. Good things will happen.
- “A negative attitude drains, a positive attitude energizes.” – Lindsey Rietzsch
- Yes, I’m smiling. But you’re not the reason anymore.
- A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.
- Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice.
- A positive attitude can turn a storm into a sprinkle.
- “It is good for people who make good places.” – Anna Sewell
- I’m an odd combination of “really sweet” and “don’t mess with me”.
- People may hear your words but they feel your attitude.
- Why fit in if you’re born to stand out.

- Why fit in if you’re born to stand out.
- If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
- Before you judge me, make sure you’re perfect.
- Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore it.
- “I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.” – Arthur Rubinstein
- If someone is stupid to walk out of your life. Be smart enough to let them go.
- You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
- Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. But if you treat me like a game, I’ll show you how it’s played.
- “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers
- Make it happen. Shock everyone.
- “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey
- Keep your face towards the sunshine, you will never see the shadow.
- Don’t take kindness as a sign of weakness.
- Every exit is an entrance somewhere.
- Excuse me, I found something under my shoes. Oh, it’s your attitude.
- Get sh*t done.
3. Whatsapp Status Sad
- Lonely is not being alone. It’s the feeling that no one cares.
- Standing alone is better than standing with people who don’t value you.
- No one really cares until something dramatic happens.
- I like to be alone but I hate being lonely.
- You’re a victim of your own mind.
- I haven’t felt right for a really long time.
- Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you’re okay.
- I felt so special until I saw you talk to everyone like that.
- Disappointed but not surprised.
- I know my silence and strength will heal my pain.
- The sun doesn’t always shine. So it’s okay to fall apart sometimes.
- Tears are words the heart can’t express.
- Sometimes I just want to get away from it all.
- I miss my life.
- Everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be sad and get pain. But you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.
- I am only good at hiding my feelings.
- When I close my eyes I see you. When I open my eyes I miss you.
- Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.

- I get sad when my food comes to an end.
- “Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” – Jean de La Fontaine
- “Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative you can get beyond your pain or negativity.” – Yoko Ono
- The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why.
- The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why.
- When grief is deepest, words are fewest.
- The person who keeps tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest.
- I see the beauty in everything but me.
- “When you’re happy you enjoy the music. When you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.” – Frank Ocean
- Do not judge. You do not know what storm I have walked through.
- Maybe I was born to be sad.
- “Who hurt you?” “My own expectations.”
- Yes, I’ve changed. Pain does that to people.
- I’m not okay. I’m just good at pretending I am.
- I hide all my agony with an “I’m fine.”
- “Tears are words that need to be written.” – Paulo Coelho
- I disappoint myself.
- I stopped talking about how I felt because I knew no one cared anyway.
- I lost myself somewhere in the darkness
- “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” “No one asked.”
- I need a break from my own thoughts.
- My feelings? Oh, don’t worry about those, no one else does.
- I get lost inside my mind.
- People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
- Sometimes it’s easier to pretend that you don’t care than to admit it’s killing you.
- The hardest thing I’ll ever do is walk away still loving you.
- Nothing makes me happier, and nothing makes me sadder than you.
- Alive or just breathing?
- I felt so much that I started to feel nothing.
- It’s strange. I felt less lonely when I didn’t know you.
- “Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.” – Margaret Micthell
- Lonely is not being alone. It’s the feeling that no one cares.
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4. WhatsApp status love
- Love is all you need.
- You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you.
- I won’t give up on you… so please don’t give up on me.
- True love does not have a happy ending, because true love doesn’t end.
- I don’t want to be your number one, I want to be your only one.
- We do not remember days, we remember moments.
- Love when you’re ready, not when you are alone.
- Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and to know you are enough.
- Love grows as we choose to act in love towards others.
- To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime romance.
- Every time I see you, I fall in love again.
- Me and you. We could make the world jealous.
- It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.
- And I can’t help but stare, ’cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes.
- It was always you.
- I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
- I like it when you smile. But I love it when I’m the reason.
- You stole my heart but I’ll let you keep it.
- I just want to be with you, that’s all.